
JADE 開発経済学会のオフィシャルウェブサイトです。

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学会についてAbout JADE




このような途上国や新興国の貧困削減や経済・社会の発展のための方策を研究する開発経済学は、経済学の中でも重要な分野として急速に進歩しており、経済学の新しい方法論や潮流が開発経済学から生ま れることもしばしばあります。その研究成果は現実の政策や事業に反映され、途上国の発展に貢献して きました。世界はいま、「持続可能な開発目標」(SDGs)の達成を目指していますが、その17のゴールの多くは開発経済学がこれまで追求してきた研究テーマです。つまり、開発経済学の進展にかつてない期待が寄せられているといってよいでしょう。

このような状況の中で、我々は、一流英文ジャーナルに多くの論文を発表することで日本における開発経済学研究をより発展させ、その研究成果を現場に応用することで途上国の貧困削減や発展にますます貢献するべきだと考えます。そのために、2001年より日本の主要な開発経済学のコンファレンスとして開催されてきた Hayami Conference(2013年に Hakone Conference から改称)を発展的に改組し、開発経済学会(Japanese Association for Development Economics)を設立することとなりました。本学会の設立の目的は特に以下の3点です。





    大塚 啓二郎(神戸大学、
    大槻 恒裕(大阪大学)
    加治佐 敬(青山学院大学)
    黒崎 卓(一橋大学)
    澤田 康幸(アジア開発銀行、東京大学)
    島田 剛(明治大学)
    鈴木 綾(東京大学)
    園部 哲史(政策研究大学院大学)
    戸堂 康之(早稲田大学)

March 1, 2019

Founding Prospectus of the Japanese Association for Develoment Economics (JADE)

In developing countries, poverty and hunger remain important issues for a large number of vulnerable people. In addition, emerging countries face other development issues, such as the need for sustainable economic development that does not impair the global environment and ways to escape from middle-income traps.

Development economics, which investigates strategies and methodologies for poverty reduction and inclusive economic and social development in developing and emerging countries, has made tremendous progress in recent years to become a major area of economics. Introducing innovative economic methods and thoughts that aim for a deeper understanding of markets, institutions, and policies has contributed to the advancement of development economics. At the same time, many of the findings from development economics have been adopted by practitioners for policies and projects in many countries. In 2015, the United Nations adopted the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs); most of the seventeen goals are related to research agendas that development economics has long pursued. These recent trends indicate that the academic sector, the policy-making arena, and the business sector all have high expectations for the progress of development economics.

Under these circumstances, we believe that now is the most opportune time for us to further advance the frontier of development economics research in Japan by announcing the establishment of the Japanese Association for Development Economics (JADE). JADE aims to accelerate a continuous effort to promote development economics in Japan by succeeding the Hayami Conference, a major conference on development economics that has been held in Japan since 2001 (renamed from the Hakone Conference in 2013). With the launch of the JADE, we hope to promote the active publication of academic papers, firmly based on the dialogue between economic theories and realities, in top journals of development economics and to contribute to poverty reduction and sustainable development by offering opportunities to share research outcomes among researchers, practitioners, and policy makers of development programs. The main objectives of the JADE are as follows.

First, the JADE will facilitate interactions among development economists in Japan to improve the quality of development economics research in this country. Furthermore, by collaborating with 2 overseas universities, research institutions, and development economics organizations, the JADE aims to be the hub of knowledge networks, through which development economists in Japan can disseminate their research outcomes internationally and learn new knowledge from abroad.

Second, the JADE will aim to disseminate research outcomes widely to academia and the global society. Development economics is an academic area closely concerned with real-world issues, and it considers and attempts to find answers to issues that are socially important. We believe that these research findings should be applied to practices and policies in developing and emerging countries, thereby contributing to the development of the global society. In short, the JADE will serve to connect researchers to the global society.

Finally, a major objective of the JADE is to foster young development economists. For this purpose, we will encourage young researchers to present their papers at our conferences and seminars while assigning experienced researchers as their discussants, which will provide them with rare opportunities to improve their analytical skills. Moreover, we will provide awards for excellent research conducted by young researchers.

We would like to welcome anyone who shares our views and agrees with this founding prospectus.

Co-founders of the Japanese Association for Development Economics
    Keijiro Otsuka (Kobe University,
            Institute of Developing Economies-Japan External Trade Organization)
    Tsunehiro Otsuki (Osaka University)
    Kei Kajisa (Aoyama Gakuin University)
    Takashi Kurosaki (Hitotsubashi University)
    Yasuyuki Sawada (Asian Development Bank, the University of Tokyo)
    Go Shimada (Meiji University)
    Aya Suzuki (The University of Tokyo)
    Tetsushi Sonobe (National Graduate Institute for Policy Studies)
    Yasuyuki Todo (Waseda University)




E-mail : info<@>jade.gr.jp